Legal Notices
Trademark Notices:
Risk Management PLUS+ Online®, Healthcare Directors & Officers Protection PLUS+SM, Private Company Directors & Officers Liability PLUS+SM, Public Company Directors & Officers Liability PLUS+SM, The Wrap®, Crime PLUS+SM, Employment Practices Liability PLUS+®, Fiduciary Liability PLUS+®, and SafeWeb® are service marks and/or trademarks of Travelers Bond.
Other Notices:
The McCalmon Group, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee that Risk Management PLUS+ Online® will prevent illegal activities, wrongdoing, lawsuits, damage assessments, theft, violence, unsafe acts or other claims or charges by any individual, group of individuals, or entity. The McCalmon Group, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee any statements, opinions, or claims regarding the effectiveness of Risk Management PLUS+ Online® including but not limited to statements, opinions, or claims made by employees, contractors, or agents of Travelers Bond. The McCalmon Group, Inc. does not provide legal advice or legal representation, accounting, or other professional services for Travelers Bond insureds. Should an insured desire legal advice or representation, it agrees to contact individuals or firms independent of The McCalmon Group, Inc. to meet its needs. Any statements, citations, or authorities including links, philosophies, or opinions expressed are neither legal opinions nor warranted to meet all statutes and laws, federal, state, or local, which regulate the workplace. The reader is admonished to check their local laws or seek advice of their legal counsel for further instruction.
Travelers Bond, Jackson Lewis, Alston & Bird, and The McCalmon Group, Inc. are separate and unrelated entities. In order to make risk management services available to various purchasers of Travelers Bond Insurance policies, Travelers Bond has agreed to allow The McCalmon Group, Inc., Jackson Lewis, and Alston & Bird to offer their programs through Travelers Bond. However, Travelers Bond does not administer the programs, makes no representations as to the effectiveness of the programs and specifically disclaims any liability for any claim that may arise as a result of the use of the programs.
This program, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the express written permission of The McCalmon Group, Inc. The sole exception to this prohibition is the reproduction of an article or training material for educational purposes by an insured of Travelers Bond. Such use is restricted to internal use; the article or training material must not be changed or resold; and material must be credited to Risk Management PLUS+ Online® (or The McCalmon Group, Inc.).